How much should I budget for a trip to Thailand?
This depends on the type of traveller you are and how long you are travelling. The longer you are going, the more you need to pay attention to your holiday budget, you don’t want to come home early because you have run out of money. Even with a reputation for being cheap, Thailand can cost as much as any Western country if you are not paying attention. This travel budget calculator can help you get some accurate predictions for your travel budget. One thing you must not cut costs on is travel insurance, always make sure you have bought an adequate policy.
Overall, people advise between £1500 GBP and £3000 GBP a month for backpacking. If you have any advice to share, leave it in the comments below.

How much do things cost in Thailand?
As you might expect, the answer is “it depends” and includes the following factors:
- Location. Tourist areas are always going to be more expensive. Try eating off the beaten track, street food is a delicious way of saving money.
- Time. This can be a double edged sword, travel can be cheaper if you take the slow route overland rather than flying. However, the more time you spend travelling – the more you need to spend on accommodation and food.
- Experience/research. Knowing where to go is half the battle. Ask around, and maybe even share some tips here.
- Local products. If you are eating food you might normally eat at home, you might find it is more expensive and of lesser quality than you are used to. Thailand is home to some of the best food in the world, so don’t waste that opportunity.
See our guide to ‘How much do things cost in Thailand?‘ for getting an idea of how much things cost, within your spending style.
The holiday travel budget calculator explained
This breaks down your daily budget by looking at your predicted daily spending. The more detail you add, the more accurate your predictions.